Sunday 14 June 2020

Restaurants, Pubs and Cafes cannot survive with two-metre social distancing. Why? See below:

Restaurants, Pubs and Cafes cannot survive with two-metre social distancing. Why? See below:

#Restaurants, #Pubs and #Cafes are the place where people gather for meeting, and socializing. Most of the restaurants, pubs and cafes operate in a very small and tight place. Only 11% of the hospitality business were operating normally during the #Coronavirus (#Covid-19) lockdown. Now Government has imposed with two-metre social distancing once the restaurants, pubs and cafes will be allowed to open. With two-metre social distancing rule, hospitality sectors can accommodate only 30% of their total capacity. This sector cannot even come to breakeven point by serving 30% of their customers. If the social distancing is reduced to one metre, this sector can accommodate 50% to 60% of their capacity and reach to the breakeven point with the revenue they can earn. Hospitality sector and related to this sector have been hit hard during the lockdown. Hospitality sector is the 5th largest employer in the country and if the sector fail, 3.50 million jobs will be at risk. There are renewed calls to relax the social distancing rules from two metre to one metre. Still, this decision is up to the government whether they will relax the rule and save the hospitality sector or not.

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