Monday 9 October 2017

Halal certified products

Halal certified products

Evans Vanodine has received certification from the Halal Certified Association (HCA) UK for a selection of products from its cleaning and hygiene range.
HCA is a UK voluntary certification body which specialises in certifying products to ensure organisations are adhering to the correct Halal standards. HCA certifies edible products as well as non-edible products which Evans’ products fall under.

The association has stated that a selection of Evans’ products, used in relation to the food and catering industry, comply with the Halal requirements according to Islamic Law. The ingredients for the listed products have been verified by the HCA Halal Review team.

The following products have all been given a Halal Certificate: Blusyl, CIP Liquid, EC2 Degreaser, EC4 Sanitiser, Est-eem, Handsan, Lift, Peradox, Q'sol, Target Extra, Trigon, Trigon Plus and Vanoquat.

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