Sunday, 17 September 2017

Scholarship Recipient Announced

Scholarship Recipient Announced

“As a newer leader in the laundry industry, I am thrilled to have been given the opportunity to attend the Laundry and Linen College this year and for the wonderful scholarship opportunity from Encompass,” said Amy. “I have been fortunate to encounter knowledgeable and skilled peers through ALM and am looking forward to meeting and collaborating with others in the future.”

Amy has worked in linen production for 13 years, and was promoted to management in 2016. She has been a member of ALM since April of 2016 and used the resources of her membership and the relationships she built through membership to change and renovate their facility. She is also very active in her chapter, the ALM Upper Mississippi Valley.

“Amy exemplifies how an ALM membership can be leveraged,” said Linda Fairbanks, executive director of ALM. “We are proud to be the textile industry’s best resource, and work hard to help our members connect with others and provide the educational tools to ensure all textile care service professionals are able to advance in their career.”

Encompass Inc. named this scholarship in memory of Tony Hanson, a beloved and indispensable member of their staff that was taken too soon by cancer.

“I’m proud that we can continue Tony’s legacy through the work of other linen professionals,” said Janice Larson, Vice President of Clinical Resources and Consulting for Encompass Inc. “He’s sure to be smiling, knowing someone is moving ahead through the knowledge and resources ALM provides. He would be especially thrilled that she is a fellow Minnesotan!”

Scholarships to ALM’s Laundry & Linen College are available on an application basis. The Laundry & Linen College is the foundation of the Registered Laundry & Linen Director (RLLD) certification exam. Directors, general managers, or those with experience in middle management of a laundry with an aptitude for higher levels of responsibility are candidates for the RLLD exam.

“While attendance at the Laundry & Linen College isn’t required for the RLLD, we know it is a powerful tool for those in textile care to gain the knowledge they need to advance in the industry,” said Christina Horsley, professional development manager for ALM. “We stay on top of all industry and regulatory changes and pass that information along to help our members serve their customers efficiently and effectively.”

More information about the Laundry & Linen College, including the scholarship application, is available on ALM’s website, under Education, Laundry & Linen College.

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