Saturday 19 October 2019

Expenses and benefits: Clothing - Chef Uniform Hire - Brent Linen Hire on 02034881616

Expenses and benefits: Clothing - Brent Linen Hire on 02034881616 visit us for chef unfirm hire, chef workwwar hire, restaurant linen hire, napkin hire, commercial laundry in London


For chef uniforms / workwear / jackets hire / rental in London, contact Brent Linen Hire on 02034881616 visit us


1. Overview

2. What's exempt

3. What to report and pay

4. Work out the value

5. Technical guidance


As an employer providing clothing to your employees, you have certain tax, National Insurance and reporting obligations. What’s included

This includes purchase, cleaning and repair costs for all clothing.

What you have to pay and report depends on if it’s:

protective clothing that your employee needs to do their job

a uniform they only wear at work

What's exempt

You don’t have to pay tax and National Insurance on most uniforms or protective clothing, but you may still have to report these expenses to HMRC.

Salary sacrifice arrangements

You do have to report the clothing provided if it’s part of salary sacrifice arrangement.

What to report and pay

If the clothing you provide isn’t exempt, you may have to report it to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), and you may have to pay tax and National Insurance on the value.

Uniforms or protective clothing

You must report the cost on form P11D of:

• buying the clothing for your employees

• lending it to them

• cleaning or repairing it

If you provide uniforms or protective clothing, you can get exemptions (which have replaced dispensations). This means you won’t have to include them in your end-of-year reports.

Any other clothing

This includes clothing employees wear at work that isn’t necessary protective clothing or a uniform.

If you buy other clothing for employees, or lend it to them, you must:

• report the cost on form P11D

• pay Class 1A National Insurance on the value of the benefit

If your employees buy it and you pay them back, you must:

• add the value of the benefit to your employee’s other earnings

• deduct and pay PAYE tax and Class 1 National Insurance through payroll

If your employees buy any non-durable clothing (eg tights and stockings) and you pay them back, you must:

• add the value of the benefit to your employee’s other earnings

• deduct and pay PAYE tax (but not Class 1 National Insurance) through payroll

If your employees pay to have clothing cleaned or repaired, you must:

• add the value of the benefit to their other earnings

• deduct and pay PAYE tax and Class 1 National Insurance through payroll

Work out the value

The value of clothing for tax and reporting depends on whether you give or lend it and who initially pays for it.

Clothing you give to employees

Use whichever is the higher of:

• the second-hand value of the clothing when you give it to your employee

• the initial cost to you of the clothing

Clothing you lend to employees

Use whichever is the higher of:

• 20% of the clothing’s market value when you first provided it

• any annual rental or hire charges you pay for it

Clothing your employees buy and you pay them back for, or cleaning and repair costs

Use the amount of money you give your employee for the clothing, cleaning or repair.

Salary sacrifice arrangements

If the cost of the clothing is less than the amount of salary given up, report the salary amount instead.

These rules don’t apply to arrangements made before 6 April 2017 - check when the rules will change.

Technical guidance

The following guides contain more detailed information:

• clothing

• specialist clothing

• uniforms

• upkeep and replacement of uniform and protective clothing

Other expenses: clothing

No deduction should be permitted under Section 336 ITEPA 2003 for the cost of ordinary clothing worn at work.

The cost of clothing worn at work has been considered by the Courts on a number of occasions. The case law is summarised at EIM32455 and illustrated by examples EIM32460 and EIM32461.

A deduction is permitted for the cost of certain specialist clothing, see EIM32465. The sort of clothing for which a deduction may be permitted is illustrated by examples EIM32471 and EIM32476.
Where a deduction is permitted for the cost of clothing a deduction should also be permitted for the upkeep of that clothing, see EIM32480 and examples EIM32481 and EIM32482.

Other expenses: clothing: case law

The leading case on clothing is Hillyer v Leeke (51TC90). Mr Hillyer was a computer engineer who was required by his manager to wear a suit and tie at work. He only wore his suit and tie at work and they suffered excessive wear and tear as a result of the nature of his duties.
It was held in the High Court that no deduction was due for the cost of the clothing.

The cost of the clothing was not incurred wholly and exclusively in the performance of Mr Hillyer’s duties, see EIM31660. At the same time as he was wearing the clothing for work it was also meeting his need for warmth and decency.

It could not be said that warmth and decency were merely incidental to the business purpose of the clothing, see EIM31664. Both purposes were inextricably intermingled.

The cost of the clothing could not be apportioned to take account of the wear and tear suffered at work. There is no part of the cost of the clothing that can be identified as incurred exclusively in the performance of the duties, see EIM31661.

The fact that the employer required Mr Hillyer to wear particular clothing did not help his case. Goulding J commented that: “the employee has to wear something and the nature of his job dictates what that something will be.”

Many jobs require clothing of a particular type. For example, outdoor workers may require warm clothing while other workers may require lightweight clothing. There are also jobs for which the employee is required to be particularly smart. The fact that particular clothing may be necessary to carry out a particular job does not make the cost of that clothing deductible. This is illustrated by examples EIM32460 and EIM32461.

Similarly the fact that the clothing was only worn at work was immaterial. There was no necessity to restrict his wearing of it to his working hours.

A deduction is permitted for the cost of certain specialist clothing, see EIM32465.

Other expenses: clothing: example

A night watchman is employed to patrol a builder’s yard overnight. He needs to provide his own clothing and this includes a warm waterproof jacket that he keeps at the yard and only wears at work. The jacket has a reflective surface so that he can be seen in the dark.

No deduction is due for the cost of the jacket or any of the other clothing that the night watchman wears. The jacket is ordinary clothing but of a type dictated by the nature of his job. It provides him with warmth and cover and the cost is not incurred wholly and exclusively in the performance of his duties, see EIM32455.

Other expenses: clothing: example

All of the sales assistants in a designer clothes shop are required by their employer to dress fashionably using the range of clothing sold in the shop. The purpose is to present a consistent and attractive image that will encourage sales.

The cost of the clothing is not deductible. The clothing is needed for warmth and decency as well as reinforcing the corporate image. The cost is not incurred wholly and exclusively in the performance of their duties, see EIM32455.

Other expenses: clothing: specialist clothing

The Courts have recognised that there may be exceptions to the general rule in EIM32455 that the cost of clothing is not deductible.
The rules for computing taxable business profits contain a similar rule that expenses must be incurred wholly and exclusively for a business purpose. In the Trading Income case of Caillebotte v Quinn (50TC222) Templeman J commented that: “the cost of protective clothing worn in the course of carrying on a trade will be deductible, because warmth and decency are incidental to the protection necessary to the carrying on of the trade.

In the same way a deduction can be permitted from earnings for the cost of protective clothing, see EIM32470. In the case of Hillyer v Leeke (51TC90)Goulding J recognised that the cost of clothing could be deductible where the clothing is:
“of a special character dictated by the occupation as a matter of physical necessity.”

We also accept that specialist clothing can include clothing that is a uniform or part of a uniform, see EIM32475.

A deduction can only be permitted where the employee must provide the specialist clothing at his or her own expense.

Other expenses: clothing: protective clothing

A deduction can be permitted for the cost of genuinely protective clothing that is worn as a matter of physical necessity because of the nature of the job and where the employee must bear the cost. This will typically cover items such as overalls, protective gloves and boots. In the case of Woodcock v CIR (51TC698) the taxpayer wanted a deduction for the cost of ordinary clothing worn underneath protective clothing and for his shoes and glasses worn at work. A deduction was refused because none of this clothing can be said to be worn wholly and exclusively in performing the duties of the employment.

Where you accept that a deduction can be permitted for items of protective clothing you should not also permit a deduction for other clothing worn at the same time, see example EIM32471.

Other expenses: clothing: protective clothing: example

The employees in a chemical factory are required to wear protective overalls and boots and to provide them at their own expense. Underneath their overalls they wear trousers, shirts and underwear but they must leave this clothing at work because of the risk of contamination. After each shift they shower and then change into clean clothes to go home.

A deduction is due for the cost of the protective overalls and boots. Any warmth and cover from the protective clothing is merely incidental, see EIM32465. No deduction is due for the cost of the other clothing worn with the protective clothing. This is ordinary clothing and the cost is not incurred wholly and exclusively in the performance of the duties of the employment.

Other expenses: clothing: uniforms

A deduction can be permitted for clothing that is recognisably a uniform or part of a uniform, where the employee is required by his or her duties to wear it and must bear the cost of it. A uniform in this context means a set of clothing of a specialised nature that is recognisable as a uniform and is intended to identify its wearer as having a particular occupation. Examples include traditional nurse or police uniforms. It is not enough for the clothing to be uniform in the sense that all employees in the same employment wear clothing of a similar design or colour. For example, a Bank may wish to reinforce its corporate image by requiring all counter staff to wear a shirt or blouse in the corporate colours of blue and green. That clothing is not a uniform for this purpose and no deduction can be permitted for the cost of acquiring such clothing.

Fixing a permanent and conspicuous badge to what would otherwise be ordinary clothing may be enough to make it a uniform, but each case must be considered on its merits. The essential test is whether the employee would readily be recognised as wearing a uniform by the person in the street. A detachable badge is not sufficient to make the clothing to which it is attached part of a uniform. Formal evening dress which, because of the customary practice of a particular occupation, is habitually worn on a day to day basis while performing the duties (for example, dinner jackets worn by waiters) may also be accepted.

Even where you accept that an employee wears a uniform it is likely that not all of the clothing they wear is part of that uniform. No deduction should be permitted for clothing that is not part of the uniform. For example, shoes, socks and underwear.

The guidance on uniforms is illustrated by examples EIM32476 and EIM32477.

In cases where the uniform or clothing remains the property of the employer, see also EIM32478.

Other expenses: clothing: uniforms: example

An airline requires its cabin crew to wear a blue jacket with a blue skirt or trousers, all of which have the airline name prominently sewn into the material. In addition female cabin crew are required to have a blue scarf with the airline name prominent. With this uniform crew are required to wear a white shirt or blouse, blue socks or dark tights and black shoes.

The jacket, skirt or trousers and scarf are a uniform and a deduction would be permitted for the cost of these items if the employees had to bear the cost themselves. The shirt or blouse, socks or tights and shoes are not treated as part of the uniform for this purpose and the cost of these items is not deductible, see EIM32475.

Other expenses: clothing: uniforms: example

A high street retailer requires its staff to wear clothing bought by them from a corporate catalogue. The clothing is designed to present a consistent image and is largely in the corporate colours of pink and green. The employer’s name appears on labels inside the clothing. While they are working employees wear a clip-on badge with their name and the employer’s name.
None of this clothing is a uniform for these purposes and no deduction should be permitted. Although there is some uniformity in appearance there is nothing in this clothing that would readily identify the employee to an observer as working for this employer, see EIM32475. The detachable badge is not sufficient.

Other expenses: clothing: uniforms provided by employer

Clothing provided for an employee by an employer is an employment related benefit within section 201 ITEPA 2003 (see generally EIM20001 onwards). Unless for the tax year 2015 to 2016 and earlier the employee is in an excluded employment, he or she is taxable on the benefit unless they are entitled to an off-setting deduction under section 336. The guidance at EIM32475 to EIM32477 applies to the benefit of employer provided clothing in the same way as it applies to clothing that the employees have to buy for themselves.

If the benefit of employer provided clothing does not satisfy the conditions for a deduction under section 336 the employee is taxable on whatever is the cash equivalent of the benefit. See generally EIM21102. If the clothing is given to the employee the cash equivalent is the cost to the employer. However, if the clothing remains the property of the employer, the taxable amount is the “annual value” of the use of the clothing (see EIM21631). That is, usually, 20% of its market value when first applied as a benefit.

Note that the market value of the clothing is not the same as the cost to the employer. It is the price that the clothing might reasonably be expected to fetch on a sale in the open market (see EIM21632). The market value of a set of “corporate clothing” is likely to be small, and 20% of that figure may well be negligible. Where the corporate clothing does not satisfy the conditions for a deduction under section 336 (see EIM32477), you should therefore take into account the guidance on “trivial benefits” (EIM21860 onwards) before seeking to charge tax on employer provided clothing which remains the property of the employer.

Brent Linen Hire is a reliable and trusted name in supplying and laundering chef uniforms / jackets, restaurant linen hire in London. Tel: 02034881616

Monday 14 October 2019

UK Government immigration policy will have huge impact on Restaurants, Hotels, Hospitality and food manufacturing industries

UK Government immigration policy will have huge impact on Restaurants, Hotels, Hospitality and food manufacturing industries

The UK Government new proposal proposed by that the EU migrants who want to come and work in the UK will have to meet a minimum salary threshold. Previously this amount was £23,000. The issue has been repeatedly highlighted by businesses and organisations which fears the wage threshold could leave a gaping hole in the county’s workforce and hit an industry. #Restaurants, #Hotels, #Hospitality and #food #manufacturing industries demanded to reduce minimum threshold of wages to £22,500 per year. Unfortunately, instead of decreasing, government has planned to increase well above to £30,000.

The Chief Executive of UKinbound Joss Croft said: “This timely research shows that the government must listen to the tourism industry before committing to an immigration system that runs the risk of forcing businesses to close throughout the UK. Our tourism industry is vital to the UK economy and EU workers are crucial to ensuring that this success story continues. We have a skills shortage in the UK, caused not least by low levels of language skills and a lack of interest amongst UK nationals in the sector. “The government must, as a first step, ensure that language skills are recognised as a key skills shortage and ensure that any future immigration system is rooted in what actually works and not in populist soundbites.”

The number of EU worker applicants have dropped by 70%. Weaker Pound and unwelcome environment have discouraged them to come to the UK. Our UK citizens are not very keen in applying in hospitality sector jobs. The policy of minimum salary threshold of £30,000 requirement will make difficult for employers to recruit EU workers, may be damaging in the short to medium term in their business and overall economy.

Brent Linen Hire

A leading supplier of chef uniform / workwear and commercial laundry in London.


Friday 11 October 2019

Chef workwear, uniforms, jackets hire London- 07966435273 –

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I hope this post helps any chef wanting to embrace a freelance … Freshly laundered chef jackets or crisp clean t-shirts, apron, trousers and …
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Industrial Workwear Laundry Service | CanDo Laundry Services
It offers a full range of rental garments to cater for all your Workwear needs;. Traditional and Executive Chef’s Jackets; Unisex Trousers in …
Item, Details. Clothing: Chef jackets, chef coats, chef trousers, apron with bib, waiter jackets. Cloths (100% cotton):, Glass cloth, kitchen cloth, waiter cloth, oven …
Items 1 – 16 of 16 – Outfit your culinary staff with quality chef coats, chef pants, kitchen shirts and cook’s aprons from our rental collection. Customize chef coats with …
Juicy Jackets – The Uks Premier Traditional Jacket Potato …
Juicy Jackets is a unique catering concept guaranteed to wow your guests. Perfect unique … It also cooks the perfect baked potato – guaranteed! READ MORE …
Kitchen Linen – Tip Top Laundry & Linen Hire
Kitchen Linen Hire & Laundry Services – Johnsons Stalbridge
Kitchen linen hire and laundry services in Northampton and …
Kitchen Wear Hire from Crystal Laundry Services, we also supply Chefs Uniforms, Trousers, Aprons, Kitchen Cloths and much more for Restaurants throughout …
Kitchen Wear Hire, Chefs Uniforms, Trousers, Aprons and …
Kitchen Workwear Services, Chef’s Clothing, Kitchen Garment …
Laundry Rental – Le Chef Uniforms
Laundry rental companies. Looking at the direct purchase of kitchen uniforms and waiters aprons, there are many variables you need to consider.The question is …
Leading UK Workwear Company | Shop for Personalised…‎
Linen Hire – One Off Services
Linen Hire & Garment Rental Services – TDS Commercial
Linen Hire and Garment Rental Services – Hire Hotel Quality Bed Linen and Towels, Rent Chef’s Whites and Staff Uniforms.
Linen Hire London | Linen Sales and Linen Suppliers Kent …
Linen hire We have a selection of kitchen linen ranging from oven cloths through to chef’s jackets & black full and half aprons, along with white …
Logo service available. Manufactured & Supplied in the UK. Excellent Quality Guaranteed. Personalised Branding. 24hr Delivery. In-House Logo Service. Made in the UK. Customised Garments. Highlights: One-Stop Secure Online Shop, Customer Service Available.
London Linen Supply: Commercial Linen Hire & Laundry …
London Workwear provides a large variety of chef jackets for hire. Available in a medley of colours and styles, we can help you select durable kitchen jackets …
london workwear rental
Make sure even your newest employees present a clean, professional image as they sauté, slice and sear. Chef Works® rental culinary apparel, designed …
Manufactured & Supplied in the UK. Logo service from as little as £1.25. Excellent Quality Guaranteed. Customised Garments. Made in the UK. 24hr Delivery. Personalised Branding. In-House Logo Service.
Manufactured & Supplied in the UK. Logo service from as little as £1.25. Excellent Quality Guaranteed. Made in the UK. Customised Garments. 24hr Delivery. In-House Logo Service. Personalised Branding. Highlights: One-Stop Secure Online Shop, Customer Service Available.
Manufacturing and supplying chefwear and kitchen uniforms is Tibard’s heritage. … aprons, headwear and footwear and learn why chefs choose Tibard here.
Maple Workwear
Maple Workwear and Leisurewear – Based in Dudley, West Midlands UK. We stock major Tool and clothing brands such as Snickers Workwear, Click Workwear, … › uniforms-workwear
Melissa & Doug Chef Role-Play Costume Set (Pretend Play, High-Quality … CK Chef Set Kids Aprons, Childrens Role Play Set with Dress up Costume and …
More images for chef workwear hire
Need chefswear, kitchen workwear or other catering clothing? We provide chefs clothing, catering uniforms, linen hire & industrial laundry services.
News – Russums
Next Day Catering – Home Page
North America’s trusted provider of uniforms and supply services. … Aramark Uniform Services Rental Workplace Uniform and Supplies programs for your …
Orders Over £50 Free Delivery
Our chef cookery courses will equip you with the practical skills and knowledge to … with course-related costs such as essential uniform equipment and travel.
Our chef’s jacket: smart, tidy and easy to wash and dry! Order yours and we can put your name on the chest for that professional touch!
Our Easy Chef rental is as easy as 3, 2, 1… 3 great ranges. Three great ranges of jackets, trousers and aprons to choose from. 2 weeks maximum wait
Pattersons Cleaning, Bar & Catering Supplies
Personalised Chef’s Jacket – The Avenue Cookery School
Personalised Dickies Workwear
Premiere workwear cleaners in Walsall
Priory Dry Cleaners & Laundry specialize in all Work Wear & Uniform … Work Wear & Uniform Cleaning In Worcester & Gloucester, Collection And Delivery Available …. Cleaning £ 3.99; Chef Jacket Cleaning £ 2.99; Chef Slacks Cleaning £ 2.99 … Catering Laundry · Commercial Linen Hire · Fire and Flood Damage Laundry …
Private Chef Hire Service | Hire Chef For Home Or Holiday‎
Products we supply on a laundry hire basis include chefs wear, table linen, kitchen wear, workwear and napkins. Many items are available including full chefs …
Professional workwear | kitchen clothing for cook chef‎
Protective & Hi Vis Workwear Rental | Safety Clothing & PPE …
Providing your customers with that high quality well ironed linen such as tableware, waiter’s and chef’s uniforms can mean all the difference in their overall …
Questions and Answers about J D Wetherspoon PLC Dress …
Related Products. AUT Paper Shopping Bag $3.00. Tastes of Home $60.00. UTSNZ Women’s Sevens Championships $125.00. AUT Chef Jacket $50.00.
Renwear | Workwear rental in london. Workwear With Your …
Restaurant Linen – A large selection of Table Linen; Kitchen Garment Hire – Chef Jackets, Aprons, Trousers, Kitchen Cloths, Oven Cloths; Front of House …
Richmond Laundries is a specialist in Kitchen garment hire, and we all know how … Our suppliers of Chef’s wear and kitchen apparel are carefully chosen and …
Safety Footwear | Safety & Workwear |
Sams Linen Hire Ltd, Wembley | Linen Hire – Yell
Samuel Daw & Co.
Shop at Pattersons Cleaning & Catering Supplies for 10000 cleaning, bar & catering products. FREE next day delivery.
Stephen Owen – Private Chef Dining Ashford, United Kingdom …
Stephen Owen is a private chef in Ashford, United Kingdom. Find out more about Stephen Owen’s menus and biography. Read customer reviews and book …
Stephensons: Catering Equipment – Catering Supplies
Suitable for both industrial and office based staff we offer a comprehensive line of workwear including coveralls, coats and chef jackets complete with …
Sunbeam provides for all aspects of kitchen wear from aprons, chef uniforms, … than Sunbeam Laundry for a quality, reliable linen hire and laundry service.
Sunlee Linen Hire of Salford can provide your business with workwear for staff and … Chef coats; Chef trousers; Shirts; Aprons; Skull caps; Waiter and waitress …
Supplier of: chef uniform hire chef jacket apron trouser kitchen cloths | Commercial and industrial linen | hotel linen hire london bed linen hire hotel towel rental …
suppliers chef uniform purchase quote | Europages
Tax and reporting rules for employers providing clothing expenses and benefits, including uniforms and protective clothing.
TempTribe – London’s Favourite Hospitality Staff Supplier
The Alsco range of high quality Hospitality Workwear and Chef Clothing ensures every chef and kitchen employee can look and feel professional while meeting …
The Caterers Linen Supply | Linen Hire, Chef Wear And …
The Young Chefs’ Academy at Westminster Kingsway College has been the … £100 per person – all ingredients, chef jacket and knives provided; 5 week …
This website uses cookies which are necessary to it’s functioning and required to achieve the purposes illustrated in the privacy policy, please refer to that if you …
Tibard – Uniform in our Expertise
Tibard are expert providers of uniform products and services to the UK hospitality sector – this includes chefs wear, restaurant clothing and hotel uniforms.
T-Shirt Deals – from £109.99 – Free Logo Bundle Deals · More
Tunics – from £12.95 – For Beauty & Healthcare · More
UK’s Leading Workwear Supplier – Food Industry – Chef Whites & Service Professionals. Hygienic & Professional Appearance Time After Time. Personalisation …
Uniform – hoorayshire – Hoorays Catering Equipment Hire
Uniform Rental Service – Uniforms Cleaned & Delivered | Cintas
Uniforms and equipment for LGCHT & further education …
Uniforms worn by construction workers, machine operators, food process workers, catering servers and chefs can have multiple goals. They need to give the …
View All Of Our Exclusive Deals
We have a large selection of formal and evening suit hire and supply an unparalleled range of school uniforms. Our work-wear service (embroidery and garment …
We offer a laundry service for workwear with a fast turnaround, whereby we … We offer a professional service for cleaning chef jackets, trousers, aprons and skull …
We offer a massive range of workwear in a wide range of styles customized to your brand. … The most comprehensive, convenient and cost effective work wear rental … chef jacket / trouser, tabards, hats, coats and trousers to warm clothing for …
We offer a wide range of quality laundry services including linen hire for … Be it standard chefs wear or bespoke table linen we can provide it, and our superior …
We offer catering workwear rentals including chef clothing, linen aprons and front of house attire. Laundry only service available at a competitive price.
We rely on your chefs to drive this business forward. We’re leaning on you. Thank you. Request a quick call back or book straight through our platform. All BOH staff provided.
We rely on your chefs to drive this business forward. We’re leaning on you. Thank you. Request a quick call back or book straight through our platform. All BOH staff provided. Experienced Staff. Founded In 2016.
We rely on your chefs to drive this business forward. We’re leaning on you. Thank you. Request a quick call back or book straight through our platform. All BOH staff provided. Founded In 2016. Experienced Staff.
We Stock A Full Range Of Customisable Chefs Wear. Free Embroidered Logo. Join The Mailing List. Register Online. Amenities: Established 20 years, Free Catalogue Available, Showroom With Parking.
We Stock A Full Range Of Customisable Chefs Wear. Free Embroidered Logo. Register Online. Join The Mailing List. Types: In-house Embroidery, On site Printing, Experienced Designers.
We Stock A Full Range Of Customisable Chefs Wear. Join The Mailing List. Register Online. Free Embroidered Logo. Services: 20 + Colours Available, Mens, Ladies & Kids Sizes, Easy Online Designer, Free Text Setup.
We stock a huge range of catering equipment for commercial kitchens, including ovens, electrical kitchen equipment, professional chef knives, chef uniforms, …
We supply a linen hire and laundry service for the hospitality industry, … From aprons and waiter clothing to napkins, seat covers, bath towels and robes, we …
Welcome to Alison Stiven, your one stop shop for all PPW, hygiene equipment, hospitality supplies, workwear, embroidery and screen printing services.
Welcome to The Caterers Linen Supply, specialist suppliers of catering linen hire, chefs wear, laundry services, table linen, laundry rental and uniforms.
Well designed, well maintained industrial workwear with focus on comfort and safety. Uniforms to meet needs of different industries. Inquire with Alsco.
Whatever your style & budget, Happy Chef can outfit your kitchen staff in chef coats, aprons, shirts, pants, hats, shoes & more in a range of styles, colors, & sizes.
Whether you want us to wash your work uniforms such as chef’s whites, for your hotel staff, boiler suits, high vis jackets or sports kits for teams and clubs. We can …
Whittakers Embroidery | Chefs Wear Available‎
Wide range of work wear for hire in large quantities & small from chef jackets, chef coats & chef hat to aprons, boiler suits & high visible clothing, based London …
With a Cintas full-service uniform rental program, there is no laundry to do, … with Chef Works to deliver a dependable, affordable, first-of-its-kind rental program.
Work Uniform Supply | – Abbey Glen
Work Wear & Uniform Cleaning in Worcestershire …
Workwear & Chefswear Linen Hire and Laundry Services in London … At Bubbles, we understand how important it is for chefs and kitchen staff to be comfortably …
Workwear & Chefswear Linen Hire and Laundry Services in London … At Crystal, we understand how important it is for chefs and kitchen staff to be comfortably …
Workwear & Chefswear Linen Hire and Laundry Services in London. … At AAA Linen Limited we understand how important it is for chefs and kitchen staff to be …
Workwear | Snow White Laundries
Workwear and Chefs Garments. We supply a range of garments to meet all your needs to help maintain a safe, comfortable, and hygienic work place. Garments …
Workwear Chefswear – AAA Linen Limited
Workwear Express | Leading UK Workwear Company‎
Workwear Hire and Laundry Service Scotland | Dumfries …
Workwear hire and rental services across N S E W C London …
Workwear Hire, Chef Whites, Chef Jackets, Table Linen, Cleanroom, … Services, Laundry Service, Linen Hire, Washroom Hygiene Services.
Workwear Hire, Jersey – Angora Besco
Workwear in Scotland: Glasgow and Edinburgh … As well as workwear in Scotland, we can also provide table linen hireand laundry services for … Chef Workwear in Scotland · Garage Workwear in Scotland · Office Laundry and Hire Scotland …
workwear laundry services
Workwear Laundry Services | Fishers Commercial Laundry
Workwear Laundry Services from Belmont Services are available in … All styles and colours of Chef wear available – chequered trousers plain trousers – short or …
Workwear Laundry Services in Hampshire, Surrey, Essex
Workwear Rental Services Kent – Faversham Laundry
Workwear rental services to businesses in Kent and south London. Workwear includes chefs whites, overall coats, uniforms and work coveralls.
workwear shop london
Workwear Uniform Hire | Safety Style Comfort |
Workwear Uniform Rentals & Commercial Clothing Services … › uniforms › chef-jacket-hire-bihm-students-paper-hosp501 › services › commercial-laundry-2 › Chefs-Workwear › workwear-rental › catering › food-trade-compliant › uniform › chefs-whites › linen-hire › laundry-rental › commercial-kitchens › contents › en-uk › d8_Chef’s-Wear-Laundry-Se… › services › commercial-laundry › business › freelance-tournant-chef-advice › our-sectors › chef-uniforms
Young Chefs’ Academy – Westminster Kingsway College‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎